Delivering the Woman and Man Power for Health Programs and Partnerships
Delivering the Woman and Man Power for National Health Programs and Partnerships with National NGOs
Every national health program relies on local Nonprofit Organizations and local Community Health Workers to supply needed woman and manpower to organize and implement national health initiatives at the grass roots level.

Local Community Health Workers build partnerships with national health-related NGOs for organizing local volunteers for National Public Health Programs in rural areas in the fields of Maternal and Child Health, Polio, TB, HIV/AIDS, Family Planning, Nutrition and Immunization.
- CARE India for DOTS TB program
- USAID for training CHWs in Family Planning and STD prevention and treatment
- Marie Stopes organization Parivar Seva Sanstha (PSS) for building a social marketing network for contraception and AIDS prevention
- The Red Cross for first aid training in rural villages
- The Lions Club for HIV/AIDS programs
There are many other projects being conducted in local Community Health Worker organized NGOs focused on a wide range of rural health issues utilizing local trained health workers to create local solutions.